May 31, 2020 Update
Not meeting in person at the church, please find information below on how to watch this week’s message on YouTube.
Reopening Planning
Two documents are listed below:
- Reopening Phases – the planned approach to handling church gatherings
- Healthy Adult / Child Guidelines – describes symptoms that would qualify one as needing to refrain from gathering
Note: We Are Currently in Reopening Phase 1

Praise the Lord! The Great Commission Day Offering has raised close to $1.3 million dollars, with $740 coming in through church giving, and more from others in the church family who have donated directly. Thank you for helping to encourage and financially support our International Workers!
- Prayer Meeting – Sunday, 5/31 at 6:00pm; Mike and Sandy Vehmeier will lead the prayer time, focused on Praying the Word. Their request is that those who come would read the following ahead of time and reflect on what those passages say about prayer and what requests the scripture prompts you to pray:
- Psalms 145
- Psalms 84
- Psalms 18
- Ephesians 1
- Ephesians 3
- Philippians 1
Space is limited to 20 people max (10 in the fellowship hall, 10 in the sanctuary) – please contact Pastor Dave @ if you’re able to join.
- Women’s Virtual Bible Study – Monday, 6/01 at 7:00pm via Zoom; Please call or text Kristie Kreis at 607-725-9644 for more information.
- Men’s Bible Study – Wednesday, 6/03 at 6:30pm; meeting at the Hickories Park Pavilion used in the past. If you’re able to join, please bring a chair, wear a mask, and
- VBS – Please contact Patti Wolfe or Pastor Dave if you would consider helping with crafts, games, Bible stories, music or skits. We can use your help!
- Praises & Prayer Requests – Please email praises & prayer requests to so we can continue to pray with and for one another.
This week’s message
Subscribe to the YouTube channel and stay tuned!
Mike V’s additional music selections as noted in the video