January 7th Worship Gathering Canceled due to Inclement Weather

About Us

Welcome! Below are some things you might want to know about as a visitor to Lakeview Chapel.

The Atmosphere

  • We’re friendly.
    We are an imperfect group of people who love others and we welcome you to our community whether you have come for a day, a few weeks or months, or a lifetime.
  • We’re informal.
    Regardless of your dress preference you will be comfortable here.
  • We’re energetic.
    Most of us are actively involved in ministry and there’s always something going on – often fun, sometimes serious and challenging, and always aimed at enhancing our personal and corporate growth.
  • We’re connected.
    A growing part of our ministry involves connecting with a small group of people where we get better acquainted and can care for and respond to each other in a deeper way. These groups also help us discover our gifts and abilities, and we learn more about God just by being with each other and sharing life together.
  • We’re youthful.
    We love children, teens, people of all ages and our older adults do not know the meaning of retiring. We have many young families with small children and we are not disturbed by a child’s sweet voice.
  • We’re relevant.
    Our music is for all generations and our preaching is practical, inspiring, and convicting. We think Christian living is fun and that there is nothing better than gathering together with warm hearts to hear from and worship God


Nursery Care

Our intent is to free you from concern and worry so that you can enjoy an undistracted time of worship and teaching. Our nursery care providers are all carefully screened and trained. Your baby will be lovingly cared for and there are separate rooms for infants, crawlers and walkers.

  • What to Bring
    Your child will be changed using the diapers, etc., you provide. Please provide your child’s personal preferences for snacks, pacifier, bottle, etc.
  • Nursing Mothers
    A private place for those with nursing babies is inside the nursery area. Please ask the Nursery Care Staff for assistance.


Junior Church Program

During the Sunday Morning Worship Hour, we offer our junior church program designed for pre-school children aged 3 up through grade 3. It is divided into two groups: ages 3 yrs. to pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten through the 3rd grade.

This is offered as an option for children because we want to do all that we can to present God’s Word to them in a way that they can understand and in an age-appropriate setting. Children matter to God and we consider it a special privilege to love and nurture them. We will do everything possible to help them grow into healthy men and women of God who love and serve Jesus.

Our Worship Services

  • How do we worship?
    We express our worship to the Lord through singing, words of praise and music, clapping and/or lifting our hands (if we feel like it) and with quiet times of prayer and reflection.
  • What is the style of music?
    Every song we choose seeks to inspire, motivate, reflect biblical truth and communicate what people who love God want to say to Him. Our worship style is meant for all generations and is relevant to our culture.
  • What can I expect from the teaching?
    We believe in Jesus and recognize that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The Bible is necessary to understand God and His will for our lives. We are committed to allow His Word to shape our beliefs and behavior. The Bible is our source of truth and the subject of our teaching.The message is a time of practical teaching from the Bible. We create an environment where people will hear the truth of God’s Word in common, everyday language.

Starting Point

Starting Point is for people who are curious about God, have a new relationship with Jesus Christ, or are returning to church after being away for a while.

Starting Point is run during the our Sunday morning service from 10:00-11:15 AM.

Go to our Starting Point page for more information.